Sand Mining Theft Detector – The River Of Life

Success Story

Sand Mining Theft Detector – The River Of Life

The mining sector is turning out to be challenging today because of lacking clarity in activity, transportation, Illegal vehicle, and ecological constraints. The potentiality of sand mining with its capital and resource generation isn’t acknowledged because of a few bottlenecks. These loopholes make a path for confined zone mining, pilferage during transportation, and the infringement of a few standards too.

The sand mining theft detector assists you to elucidate the fact that, it outshines—the rest


Sand mining is a practice that is utilized to draw out sand, primarily through an open pit. This interest is magnifying at alarming rates as a result of continually expanding building development ventures and other infrastructural advancement. From the perspective of high demand, there are illicit methods for sand extraction. The main sources of sand are horticultural fields, riverbeds and floodplains, seaside and marine sand, lakes, and reservoirs. For a decade long, sand was a freely accessible material. With the development of construction activities, the significance of sand has developed, and it has gotten progressively expensive. As of late in India, sand mining has become far and wide as well as automated. The idea of seasonal sand mining is vanishing and mining exercises go on in pretty much every season.


Without a doubt, sand is a basic part of the river ecosystem. Like stream and fish, it helps rivers stay healthy. It’s critical for groundwater reviving, renewing the supplements in moving water and provides habitat for aquatic and riparian fauna of various types. Regardless of this, illegal and impractical mining of sand and rocks is far-reaching the nation; taking hefty cost on the lifelines of modern civilization. At a conservative estimate, 70% of individuals living near sand mining regions are confronting the negative outcomes of mining activities. Mishaps are normal while moving sand in a hefty vehicle through the riverbed. More often livestock grazing on the riverbed are casualties alongside destitute individuals occupied with such activities. Sand extraction happens from different areas of the stream.

The selection of areas relies upon sand accessibility and comfort for transportation without dealing with its effects on river ecology or close by human residence. Riverbank erosion has gotten common in mining regions thereby posing a threat to water and land. In rural areas drawing drinking water from the riverbed by hand burrowing sand is a well-established practice. After consistently burrowing sand, the pit gets loaded up with clear water, which can be gathered for household use. However, after sand mining water just runs off and there aren’t a lot of sand to hold it on the bed, depriving individuals of savouring water at many water-scarce spots.


Despite strategies being set up; illicit sand mining is uncontrolled since there is no monitoring framework in place. Open infringement of environmental norms is a major challenge. There is no process to check the volume of sand mined from a specific region so far. That is where the Sand mining theft detector will be your smart choice. The sand mining theft detector uses an Ultrasonic sensor that has been configured with the degree of sand that has to be mined. This sensor quantifies the degree of sand while mining; if the permitted level is crossed, the micro-controller Arduino nano triggers the GSM module to send SMS with co-ordinates to the authorized personnel to caution them that the restricted level has been reached. A buzzer is provided to excite an alarm to the nearby individuals when the restricted level is crossed, thus serving you in allegiance.

The long and short of it is that sand mining is a significant threat to river biodiversity. Sand is the survival base of the stream and all types of living being reliant on it. Excessive mining seriously affects the whole ecosystem. We have to fight this every step of the way by providing an insight on alternate construction materials to decrease the demand for sand. While sand stays a basic prerequisite for framework advancement, drawing a line between ‘requirement’ and ‘infringment’ ends it all.

What are the other breakthroughs in sand mining that help protect the environment?

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