Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Create life to things with digital and unleash
world power.

Internet of Things

Witness a big explosion of innovation

What is it?
It is the network of physical objects embedded with electronics, actuators, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
Why it stuffs?
IoT provides access to valuable data at low cost, analyze big data, helps to understand customer behavior in real time, and assists in reduction of operating costs.
Where it’s heading to?
Expected to have 50 million connected devices from various sectors by the year 2025 which hint for the emerging new technical skills & roles.

Based on the requirement we developed

we have the capability to build any IoT
product as per the requirement of the consumers.

Smart Irrigation and Sand Mining

Irrigating the plant when it is not having enough moisture. Android mobile app controls the moisture sensor to water the plant when it is necessary. Not permitting the user to mine the sand beyond the threshold and authenticating only the authorized person to mine the sand.

Smart Hand Sanitizer System

We made this during COVID- 19 pandemic situation to protect our employees from the pandemic Corona. No need to physically touch the sanitizer container. Automatically it sanitizes when it sense the organs. After the cut-off time it automatically stops sanitizing. Saves life and helps to avoid the wastage of sanitizer.

Smart Health Monitoring System

Monitoring the ECG, Respiratory level, Pulse level, Diabetic level and intimating the patients when something goes abnormal.

Smart Helmet

When anyone wearing this smart helmet and met with an accident, this will be informed to his/her nears and dears with the location of the accident so as to make them reach without distraction in much a short span of time.

Smart Garbage Control System

Based on the level of the Garbage in the container, it will be intimated to the central admin who can directly go to the bin, without spending much time in regularly visiting all the bins. This saves time and fuel.

Smart Street Lighting System

Based on the Sunlight it will automatically glow. When there is sufficient sunlight it will not glow. When darkens, it automatically start glowing. This saves the power as well as the life time of the lighting device.
insight iot
Future of Internet of Things
Every second around 125 devices are connected to IoT globally.
Global market will yield around 50 billion $ by 2025 through smart Home.
More market for IoT managed services like manage, monitor and operate the fragmented array of IoT devices in the year 2020.
IoT data will be used in automated customer service and sales effort in CRM software.
5G will widen the IoT market where time and bandwidth are significant.