


A performance of a piece
of music or drama.


Rendering or image synthesis is the process of creating a photorealistic or non-photorealistic image from a 2D or 3D model by means of the software. The output image is referred as render. The scene file contains geometry, viewpoint, texture, lighting, and shading information describing the virtual scene. Rendering is the sub-topic of 3D computer graphics. It is the last major step in the graphics pipeline, giving models and animation their final appearance.

Blender’s ray tracing

A rendered image can be implicit
in terms of a number of visible features.

Shading Techniques

Showing the variation of color and brightness from the surface with respect to lighting. It refers to the depiction of depth perception in 3D models.

Texture & Bump mapping

A process of applying detail to surfaces. A process of simulating small-scale bumpiness on surfaces.

Fogging or participating medium

Displaying the dimness effect when the light passes through the unclear atmosphere.

Shadows & Soft Shadows

The effect of obstructing light. Showing the variation in darkness caused by partially covered light sources.

Reflection & Refraction

Mirror-like or highly glossy reflection. Bending of light associated with transparency.


Showing the sharp transmission of light through solid objects. Its allowing light to pass through the material without appreciable scattering of light.


Bending, spreading, and interference of light passing by an object or aperture that disrupts the ray

Indirect illumination

Surfaces illuminated by light reflected off other surfaces, rather than directly from a light source.


Reflection of light off a shiny object, or focusing of light through a transparent object, to produce bright highlights on another object.

Depth of field

Objects appear blurry or out of focus when too far in front of or behind the object in focus.

Motion blur

Objects appear blurry due to high-speed motion, or the motion of the camera


Rendering of scenes in an artistic style, intended to look like a painting or drawing.

Ray tracing

It aims to simulate the natural flow of light, interpreted as particles. In a final, production quality rendering of a ray traced work; multiple rays are generally shot for each pixel.

Ray casting

In ray casting the geometry which has been modeled is parsed pixel by pixel, line by line, from the point of view outward, as if casting rays out from the point of view.


It is Blender’s physically-based path tracer for producing rendering. It is intended to provide physically based results out-of-the-box, with artistic control and flexible shading nodes for production needs.


Here we can moves the extrusion parallel to the curve normal. Many techniques are available like beveling the object, tapering the object and mapping them. We at Kosoft are able to bring all these effects to your character.